Transformed by the Spirit

Jesus said He came to give abundant life for all Christ-followers. We each have a unique journey, yet the Journey is similar to the common stages we each travel spiritually. Through God’s Word, we see the Christ-centered Journey best defined by five characteristics found in the Bible and displayed by those who live a Christ-centered life.

Stages of the Christ-Centered Spiritual Journey


People “exploring” Christianity are disconnected from God and have yet to begin a personal relationship with Jesus.  Wandering from time to time, out of nowhere Jesus crosses their minds. They can slightly feel the pull and feel a need to know more.  Seeking knowledge like a crave they just can’t shake.


You have accepted Christ. You are brand new. Much like physical development, spiritual development begins with dependence upon other Christ-followers for growth and development in their “baby steps.”.  The seed is sowed and growing. But at this time they are not fully aware that the seed is growing but know that something inside them is different. The transformation has begun and the difference inside them is moving them toward maturing in the Lord.


Beginning to take increasing steps toward maturing into a  Christ-centered life. Enthusiastic about their faith with many significant steps still to be made. Feeling a need to help others. When they see someone in need they think how can I help, this is Christ living in them.


Moving into a God-first and others-first outlook. Beginning to make significant contributions to God’s Kingdom and living for God’s purpose.  God is in their hearts and minds and they know they have a purpose and that purpose is to help others in the name of Jesus. Their good works don’t come from the benefits they think they might receive but from a heartfelt love for Jesus.


Experiencing the joy of Christ by defining everything in their life by their position and purpose in Christ. They are reproducing their faith and life in other Christ-followers in the preceding stages.